PEPPERMINT – Mentha piperita
Perennial / Full Sun
Organically Certified Seeds / Open-Pollinated / Untreated / GMO Free
Planting and using Peppermint (Mentha piperita) offers numerous benefits. It’s easy to grow, repels pests, and enhances gardens with its refreshing scent. In the kitchen, peppermint adds a cool, invigorating flavor to teas, desserts, and savory dishes. Medicinally, it aids digestion, relieves headaches, soothes nausea, and supports respiratory health. Its essential oil is also useful for stress relief and muscle relaxation, making peppermint a versatile and valuable herb for any home.
APPEARANCE: Peppermint is a fast-growing, aromatic herb with dark green, lance-shaped leaves that have serrated edges and a slightly fuzzy texture. The stems are square and often have a reddish-purple hue. It produces small, purple-pink flowers in spike-like clusters in summer.
GROWING INFORMATION: Creeping perennial. It spreads rapidly through underground runners, so it’s best grown in containers or controlled garden spaces to prevent invasiveness. Plant prefers full sun to shade and moist, poorly drained soil. Mix tiny seed with a bit of sand for easier sowing. Strew on soil surface and press in firmly. Keep evenly moist until germination, which takes 1 to 2 weeks. Transplant or thin to 6 inch spacing. Harvest during flowering stage. Bundle, hang to dry, and then rub to remove stems from the prime tea herb. 3 feet tall. Peppermint is a hardy perennial, returning each year with minimal care.
USES: In cooking, peppermint adds a refreshing, cool flavor to teas, desserts, candies, and savory dishes. Medicinally, it is valued for aiding digestion, relieving headaches, soothing nausea, and easing respiratory congestion. Its essential oil is commonly used for muscle relaxation and stress relief. Mints are also great as a pest deterrent.
100 Organically Certified Seeds per package