Marshmallow Seeds
Marshmallow Seeds
Strictly Medicinal Seeds

Marshmallow Seeds

Regular price $4.00

MARSHMALLOW - Althaea officinalis

Perennial / Full Sun to Part Shade

Organically Certified Seeds / Open-Pollinated / Untreated / GMO Free

Herbacous perennial native to Europe.

APPEARANCE: Impressive soft-leaved plants to 4 feet tall, with large, white flowers on multiple stalks. Flowers white with highlights of pink to 4 feet tall.

GROWING INFORMATION: Hardy to Zones 3 to 7. Plant thrives in rich, moist garden soil in the full sun to part shade. In the spring, lightly scarify seed by rubbing on sandpaper and plant in pots or directly in the garden. Barely cover seed, tampl securiely, and keep warm, evenly moist and in the light until germination, which occurs in 1 to 2 weeks. Thin or transplant to 2 feet apart.

USE: The entire plant contains high-grade, immune-stimulating mucilage. Soothing to throat and urinary tract.

100 Organically Certified Seeds / package

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