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THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antiseptic, diuretic, expectorant, emmenagogue, antiparasitic, tonic, depurative
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, endocrine system, reproductive system, hormones, urinary tract, brow chakra, kidney meridian, yang energy
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Juniper Berry is said to improve mental clarity and memory without undue stimulation to the nervous system. In fact, Juniper Berry essential oil is quite relaxing.
APPLICATION: Juniper Berry oil should be diluted and applied to the feet, on the abdomen, or on the small of the back (over the kidneys).
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Juniper Berry essential oil is suited for people who fear growing up or growing older. The use of Juniper Berry essential oil is about maturing into wisdom; not just ordinary wisdom but wisdom with compassion. It is about cultivating an understanding of the continuity of life, coupled with a sense of humor. Juniper gives us a feeling of gratitude for the privilege to have learned from the experiences and lessons of life. Juniper Berry helps to elevate spiritual awareness and reverence for sacred things. It can open the soul to direction by inspiration and religious principle.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Juniper Berry improves circulation, particularly to the kidneys. It helps the body move fluids and toxins out of the cells and tissues. It is a useful remedy for fluid retention, cellulite, premenstrual bloating, gout, and arthritis.
It is said that Juniper Berry oil helps with nerve function and regeneration. Juniper Berry can be a useful oil for the digestive system. It has a beneficial effect on the emotional and physical aspects of over-indulgence in food. Juniper essential oil is effective for acne, eczema, oily skin, psoriasis, and dandruff.
CAUTIONS: Use of Juniper Berry essential oil should be avoided during pregnancy. It should be used with caution on children. This oil is contra-indicated for people with kidney disease. This is a great oil to balance and strengthen kidney function and deal with kidney infections, but it is not to be used by people with kidney diseases.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antispasmodic, analgesic, expectorant, anticoagulant, hepatic, anti-inflammatory, stimulant, antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, hemostatic
AFFINITY FOR: cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, muscles, liver, skin, joints, bones, right side of the brain, throat chakra, gallbladder meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PLANT FAMILY: Compositae
PART UTILIZED: flowers, wild crafted
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: When there are emotional blockages or repetitive behavior patterns as the result of abuse or trauma, Helichrysum can help us discover and remove them. Once these blockages have been removed, we can move on with our lives.
APPLICATION: Dilute and apply to appropriate areas such as the feet, the chest, or behind the ears.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Helichrysum has an affinity for the creative right side of the brain, which our culture and schooling often pushes into the background. Because Helichrysum stimulates this side of the brain, we are able to view our world and make our choices from a more balanced perspective.
Helichrysum is often used in emotional healing. It helps us get in touch with unresolved emotions and gently restores memories that have been deeply buried in the subconscious mind. Helichrysum helps release defense mechanisms and offers comfort while we are processing difficult emotions. Helichrysum promotes a calm acceptance of the changes within ourselves that may result from the processing of emotions and memories. It also helps supply the needed self-confidence to make hard decisions.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Helichrysum is renowned for its use in rejuvenation of skin and muscle. It drains congestion and reestablishes blood flow to traumatized areas, helping bruises and hematomas to disperse more quickly. Helichrysum regenerates damaged tissue and can help prevent scarring at the site of an injury. Helichrysum is recommended for lowering cholesterol. Helichrysum is anti-inflammatory and analgesic, making it excellent for sciatica and arthritis.
Helichrysum is an excellent oil for respiratory conditions and for lymph drainage. It is stimulating to the liver, pancreas, gallbladder, and vascular system. Helichrysum, diluted with a carrier oil, has been used in many cultures as a sunscreen.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Helichrysum (immortelle) is a very delicate, yet hardy in its own way, plant. There is often a great deal of difference in aroma and therapeutic properties from one year to the next. Differences can even occur from one distillation to the next, even in the same growing season. Growing conditions, such as the amount of rain, can have a tremendous impact on the delicate Helichrysum blossoms.
The better the growing conditions, the higher the quality of the Helichrysum oil will be. The higher the quality, the more mellow and pleasant the aroma will be. The price will always reflect this. The lower priced (more pungent) Helichrysum essential oils are often very therapeutic and more practical for use situations where a lot of the oil will be needed. For this reason, many essential oil companies provide more than one Helichrysum oil at widely divergent prices.
There is a lot of confusion about the Helichrysum species. Many distributors claim that Helichrysum Angustafolia and Helichrysum Italicum are the same plant. They are certainly quite similar. As stated previously, the difference in quality of these two species of Helichrysum seems to be in the growing conditions of each year’s crop. There are many other species of Helichrysum besides Italicum and Angustifolia. Each one has unique advantages, however, none of them are as therapeutic as these two.
CAUTIONS: Helichrysum should be used with caution if pregnant. It should also be used cautiously with small children.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: regulates cells and balances hormones, antiseptic, calming, emmenagogue, anti-infective, antispasmodic, antisudorific, aphrodisiac, nerve tonic, estrogen-like properties
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, respiratory system, hormone balance, spleen meridian, governing vessel meridian, supports yang energy and moderates yin energy
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: whole plant when flowering
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Dilute well and apply to the feet or on the body.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The aroma of Clary Sage promotes confidence and clarity about what you want your life to be.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: The emotional actions of Clary Sage are explained by the balance it establishes between stimulation and relaxation (yang and yin). Clary Sage calms tension, nervousness, and hypersensitivity, yet revives and revitalizes us when we are fatigued.
Clary Sage is a good oil for those who, when overtired, become hypersensitive and either weep or find fault with everyone around them. It is also a good choice for people whose lives show a pattern of continually choosing the wrong kind of friends. The aroma of Clary Sage calms the nerves and enhances the dream state of sleep. It brings about feelings of contentment.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Clary Sage moderates excessive estrogen and yin energy. It is very effective for PMS, menstrual problems and cramping, infertility, frigidity and impotence, and some of the difficulties experienced during menopause. An excess of estrogen is linked to several women’s cancers.
Clary Sage is useful in kidney infections, sore throat, and bronchial infections. It strengthens cellular structure and regulates cellular activity. It is an excellent oil, especially as part of a blend, for muscular fatigue and excessive perspiration.
CAUTIONS: Clary Sage has a lower percentage of thujone than does common Sage (Salvia officinalis). Clary Sage is completely safe for most people in most applications when used in normal dosages. However, Clary Sage has a strong action on hormones and should be used with extreme caution during pregnancy. Clary Sage is not to be used with children because of these hormonal properties.
Clary Sage should be avoided if alcohol is going to be consumed and is not to be used in the bath. Use small amounts when diffusing.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiseptic, antispasmodic, disinfectant
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, endocrine system, hormone balance, metal element, wood element, water element, yang energy, heart chakra
RESONANCE: emotional, physical
APPLICATION: It is always recommended to dilute Bergamot well. Well diluted Bergamot becomes soothing and emollient; not diluted sufficiently, it can be irritating to skin.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Bergamot is a sweet smelling citrus oil, with a warm floral scent that is unusual among the citrus oils. Bergamot, diffused, is said to repair the aura and make one feel young at heart.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Because Bergamot has a special affinity for the liver meridian, it encourages the release of anger and pain that is being held back or held deeply in the body. A person needing Bergamot is usually a good listener. They are described by friends and family as cheerful and supportive. Often this cheerfulness is a mask, hiding anger, despair, or depression. It is as though they are carrying the burden of every sad story they have listened to on their own shoulders. They are very angry, but since the stories are not their own they feel they cannot tell them to anyone. The anger they feel becomes repressed and turns inward. The ability of Bergamot to relieve anger, nervous depression, anxiety, and hysteria has been well documented in Europe. Bergamot can help us find peace when our heart hurts for other’s distress.
Bergamot is excellent in any emotional crisis and in convalescing from an illness. Bergamot raises the spirits and brings light into our lives and lightness to dark and weary days. It is often used in treatments for eating disorders.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Bergamot has a great many applications for physical healing. Bergamot is used for urinary tract infections, sore throat, cold sores, bronchitis, and varicose veins.
In Italy, Bergamot is commonly used in the treatment of intestinal parasites. Also used in treatments for candida overgrowth and thrush. Bergamot has been shown effective against tuberculosis bacilli. Like all essential oils, Bergamot is antimicrobial. It is particularly destructive of bacteria that live in the mouth.
CAUTIONS: Bergamot should be diluted well and used sparingly. Repeated use of Bergamot can result in extreme contact sensitization.
Bergamot contains bergaptene, which is phototoxic. You should avoid direct sunlight on skin to which Bergamot has been applied. This caution applies to more than just an uncomfortable sunburn. Damage to the nuclei of cells has been documented when skin to which Bergamot was applied was exposed to ultra-violet light. This phototoxicity lasts up to 12 hours after the oil has been applied. Using Bergamot in a blend does not eliminate its phototoxicity. There is no problem using this oil as long as you apply it to areas of the body that will not be exposed to ultra-violet light (sunlight or a tanning bed).
There are Bergamot essential oils available that have had the constituents that create phototoxicity removed. However, these oils lack both aroma and certain therapeutic qualities.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antiseptic, antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, analgesic, antineuralgia, antispasmodic, stimulant, carminative, aphrodisiac, stomachic, tonic, antiparasitic, anti-tumoral
AFFINITY FOR: muscles, digestive system, circulatory system, lymphatic system, urinary tract, solar plexus chakra, brain, immune system, root chakra, all of the meridians
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: fruit bud
EXTRACTION METHOD: steam distilled
APPLICATION: Pay careful attention to the dilution of clove essential oil before putting it on the skin. Clove essential oil can be applied to the feet or to any area of the body where its properties are needed.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The aroma of clove improves memory, alleviates mental and physical exhaustion, protects from negative energy, and creates feelings of cooperation and courage. Clove helps us to move forward, exploring new possibilities and experiences, with enthusiasm.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: The aroma of clove is, literally, heart-warming. It helps us to look away from ourselves and our own needs, so we can see the needs of family members and friends. Clove helps us translate this "seeing" into practical, every day living and giving. Clove bud oil lifts depression, leaving behind a feeling of optimism and lightness. Clove bud oil can create and sustain a positive outlook and attitude.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Spices are among the most nutritional herbal remedies, and clove is one of the best. When clove bud essential oil is absorbed into the body, it provides missing nutrients. Because clove oil improves the overall nutrition in the body, it can be of benefit in many physical conditions. Clove bud is excellent in the early stages of illness to kill viruses and bacteria. Clove's stimulative and nutritive properties are helpful later on, during the recovery phase, to rebuild energy and stamina.
Clove bud is a strong topical anesthetic and pain reliever. It is often used to lessen the pain of a toothache until the problem can be remedied by a dentist. Clove acts on the digestive system for flatulence, nausea, and diarrhea. Clove bud essential oil is strong enough to dissolve warts. It should be used undiluted several times a day directly on the wart. Putting a drop or two on a little round band aid keeps the clove oil directly against the wart. This method is very effective.
Clove can be used for skin afflictions such as ringworm, scabies, and skin parasites. Clove is effective against bacteria, viruses, and fungi, so a diagnosis of exactly what is causing the problem is unnecessary.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Has been used in the treatment of Hodgkin's Disease.
CAUTIONS: Clove, except as part of a blended oil, should be avoided by pregnant women. It should be used with caution and diluted well for use with children and anyone with sensitive skin. To strong to be used in the bath. Repeated use as a single can cause contact sensitization and allergic reactions.
LeMyGraine is used for migraine and stress related headaches with or without accompanying nausea. This blend is also useful following neck injuries and to open the blood supplies to and from the head. LeMyGraine does its best work with headaches related to stress and circulation problems. Mild hormone oils make it effective for some women for the headache which comes at the beginning or end of their period.
INGREDIENTS: copaiba balsam, chamomile German, grapefruit, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, violet leaf, zanthoxylum
AFFINITY FOR: nerves, muscles, bones
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: LeMyGraine can be put on the temples, forehead, and back of the neck. Often the aroma will be all that is needed to back off a migraine. For really tough headaches, put 3 drops in your bath and 8-10 drops on a cold washcloth placed at the back of the neck at the same time. Try to relax as much as possible while the essential oil takes effect.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Usually very effective for headaches when inhaled or diffused.
EMOTIONAL /PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeMyGraine is used for migraine and stress related headaches with or without accompanying nausea. This blend is also useful following neck injuries and to open the blood supplies to and from the head. LeMyGraine does its best work with headaches related to stress and circulation problems.
Mild hormone oils make it effective for some women for the headache which comes at the beginning or end of their period. LeMyGraine may be useful for some types of depression. Use with LeWoman Wise or LeBalance if hormone imbalances are suspected.
Le Focus is great for times of study or when you need to be extra alert. Useful for long periods on the computer when you are having difficulty concentrating. Le Focus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. These patterns of behavior get in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. It can also keep us from accomplishing our goals. Le Focus helps us become aware of and change these patterns.
INGREDIENTS: bay, cinnamon bark, cinnamon berry, ginger, nutmeg, patchouli, rosewood, sage, sandalwood
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, emotional balance, governing vessel meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: This blend can be applied to the areas on the feet that relate to the neck, head, and brain. These are found on the big toe, both top and bottom. LeFocus can also be applied to the wrists and temples.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Inhale Le Focus at times when studying and need to be extra alert. Useful in the afternoons at the computer if your mind is slow or are having difficulty concentrating. This blend can be diffused, but it is best to do so for short periods of time only; cinnamon, cinnamon berry, and ginger are very strong oils for diffusing. They may cause headache or a burning sensation in the nostrils.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Le Focus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. Sometimes we choose to see ourselves as victims where life and everyone we know is "out to get us". This pattern of behavior gets in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. It can also keep us from accomplishing our goals. When LeFocus has helped us become aware of our self-defeating patterns, we can choose to change them.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: This blend increases mental alertness, clears that "foggy" feeling, and helps to alleviate mental confusion. It is a great aid to students and others when they face the need to commit something to memory quickly and be able to recall it with ease later.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeFocus has much the same uses as LeCrystal Clear and LeIQ, but the aromas of these three blends are very dissimilar. These blends are classic examples of the wide range of plants that can accomplish similar healing tasks in the human body. Each person is unique with their own way of reacting to things. One of these three blends may work better for you and another one may work better for someone else. You may find all of them helpful, giving you the opportunity to choose one according to your preferred aroma or according to the price.
CAUTIONS: This blend contains nutmeg, cinnamon, and sage. It should be used with care if you are susceptible to seizures or if you are pregnant. Repeated use could result in skin irritation, even diluted.
INGREDIENTS: Dulse, Oregon Grape, Nettles, Alfalfa, Irish Moss, Gotu Kola, Parsley Root
This recipe is effective in providing the minerals that are needed for healthy thyroid function. These nutrients are often missing in the diets of people living in the mountain west, as I do.
Thyroid medication has a lot of nasty side-effects and it does not even claim to heal the thyroid. The medications are artificial thyroid hormones. Having them in the system sends a signal to the thyroid gland that there is enough of the hormone in the body and it doesn’t need to produce any more. The result is an ever increasing need for the medicines in ever increasing dosages until, in too many cases, the side effects become quite nasty. Doctors play a game of moving people from one medication to another in an attempt to keep the side effects manageable.
The current medical standard for what numbers indicate a low thyroid are appallingly low. By the time your test comes back low enough for the doctor to mention the problem to you, you have been in trouble quite a while. Up to that point, a judgement call has already been made. Perhaps, the theory is, the thyroid will recover without medication and all will be well and things aren’t quite bad enough to justify the medications with their long list of side effects. The beauty of the herbal world is that we don’t have to make those kinds of judgements. The remedies we give provide the body with nutrients, not drugs. There are not side effects except those created when the body uses the nutrients to cleanse itself of toxins.
KNA also provides the nutrients needed by the thyroid. Taking one or the other as a daily supplement whether or not you have thyroid issues will ensure that you never do and will make you feel more healthy and energetic.
The thyroid gland requires a lot of nourishment. Approximately 6 liters of blood pass through the thyroid every day, but this doesn’t do much to keep the thyroid “fed” unless the required nutrients are available in the blood.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
INGREDIENTS: Echinacea, Horsetail, Hydrangea, Oregon Grape, Sarsaparilla, Saw Palmetto, Yarrow, Astragalus, Cornsilk, Damiana, Ginseng Root
Inflammation, clogging, or infection of the prostate gland is indicated by frequent urination with a decreased stream. Infection is often accompanied by pain, and/or chills, and fever. This formula is designed to be a prostate and urinary tonic, anti-inflammatory, and an infection fighter. PRT can be taken daily as a tonic and preventative. For extreme symptoms of infection and inflammation, dosages would be higher and more frequent until the symptoms subside.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
INGREDIENTS: Black Cohosh, Hops, Lady Slipper, Lobelia, Myrrh, Skullcap, Spikenard, Valerian, Wild Yam, Wood Betony, Cayenne, Motherwort, Passion Flower
NV is the strongest and most complete of the 3 adult nervine formulas provided here.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
INGREDIENTS: Dong Quai, Licorice Root, Ginseng Root, Motherwort, St. John’s Wort, Wild Yam, Black Cohosh, Passion Flower
MW is a formula for women past childbearing age who are experiencing symptoms of hormone imbalance such as hot flashes, night sweats, tissue dryness, or headaches. After menopause, estrogen still needs to be produced by the body, but this production no longer occurs in the ovaries. The MW formula provides the nutrients needed for the change over to occur smoothly and symptom free. Menopause need not be a miserable experience, nor does life after menopause need to be full of unpleasant symptoms.
Make sure mineral and vitamin intake is adequate by taking KNA or MIN. Add LeBalance and LeEndoRelief essential oil blends.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
PROPERTIES: Adaptogenic, Antilithic, Astringent, Anti-inflammatory, Emmenagogue, Antimicrobial, Hemostatic/Styptic, Diuretic
SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Structural, Endocrine/Glandular, Digestive, Mucous membranes, Integumentary
POSSIBLE USES: diarrhea, burns, cuts and wounds, dental/oral care
White Oak is one of the most valuable astringent herbs because it is useful for both external and internal bleeding and wound healing. White Oak heals damaged and inflamed tissues of the skin, mucous membranes, stomach, and intestines. A tea of the bark makes an excellent wash for gum infection, a gargle for sore throats, and a corrective for diarrhea. White Oak has proven to be an excellent remedy for gangrenous and other seriously infected flesh.
White Oak is one of the few herbs I have even seen listed (and had any success with) as an antidote for drug reactions and chemotherapy side effects.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
PART USED: Aerial portion
PROPERTIES: Relaxant, Sedative, Emetic, Cathartic, Nervine, Antispasmodic, Expectorant, Carrier for other herbs and properties—called the “Thinking Herb” by Dr. John Christopher
SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Nervous, Muscular, Immune, Circulatory
POSSIBLE USES: many of them are listed in a separate chapter in this book (chapter 3)
Lobelia is one of the greatest herbs that we have available to us. It was discovered by the great 19th century herbalist, Dr. Samuel Thompson. He was a contemporary of Joseph Smith and believed by Joseph Smith to be an inspired man. Dr. Thompson said, “There is no vegetable which the earth produces more harmless in its effect on the human system and none more powerful in removing disease and promoting health. It is calculated to remove the cause, and no more, as food removes hunger, and drink thirst. It clears all obstructions to the extremities, without regard to the names of disease, until it produces an equilibrium throughout the system, and will be felt in the fingers and toes, producing a prickling feeling like that caused by a knock on the elbow. This symptom is alarming to those unacquainted with its operation, but is always favorable, being certain indication of the turn of the disorder, and patients generally gain from that time. This plant is the most important article I make use of in my practice.”
In 1789, in the midst of much persecution of naturopathic practitioners by the allopathic doctors of the day, Dr. Thompson was brought to trial for the use of Lobelia. Much vituperative press accompanied this trial and has been quoted and then quoted again over the years for many of the same reasons as the original statements were written. Without going into great detail, let it be sufficient to say that Dr. Thompson was acquitted and the court record shows that no case could be made for the administration of Lobelia sensibly as being a harmful agent. The very fact that so much continual misrepresentation abounds concerning this herb indicates to me that it must be very valuable indeed in curing illness.
Lobelia is, as far as I know, the strongest relaxant and sedative herb known anywhere. As indicated, there are some who claim that it is a dangerous herb. I certainly would not describe it as dangerous in the sense of life-threatening, but it would be an easy herb to overuse and abuse. Lobelia is strongly emetic, so even though it probably could relax and sedate the respiratory system to the point of death, you would have a very difficult time keeping enough of it down to seriously harm yourself! You might, however, feel like death would be a welcome relief from the vomiting and cramping!
Lobelia can remove obstructions and congestions throughout the body and in the blood at a rapid and remarkable rate. An overdose produces the very strong response of vomiting and diarrhea. The vomiting and diarrhea are brought about because the eliminative organs cannot keep up with the housecleaning that the Lobelia has set into motion. Lobelia is a vasodilator and a muscle relaxant. Coupled with the vomiting these sensations can be really alarming! But, even in an overdose situation, the marvelous cleansing that has resulted eventually leaves the person feeling wonderful—energetic and relaxed at the same time. It takes a very large amount of Lobelia to produce these symptoms. It is not something you need to be concerned about. If you take a bit too much, your body will respond with a slightly chilly sensation. This early warning signal can be trusted and passes in just a few moments.
Lobelia is the most efficient of the herbs that act as carriers for other herbs. Lobelia added to any combination will deliver the herb quickly and efficiently to the area of distress. Moreover, it seems to be selective in its course of action. Dr. Christopher often described, in his talks and lectures, the cases of two young men who were similar in age but completely different in strength and constitution. Each young man had a boil forming on his neck. The same formula, with a bit of Lobelia added, was administered to both. The strong, robust young man with a good digestion and elimination system was healed by the boil disappearing into the body and the poisons being carried off by his system. The other young man, very weak and delicate, was healed by the boil continuing to encapsulate and grow on his neck until it could be safely removed; his system did not have the strength to process the toxins internally. Because of the intelligence of the Lobelia the best action for the circumstances was chosen by the body.
Dr. Christopher often referred to Lobelia as the “thinking” herb.
I have personally witnessed this aspect of the action of Lobelia.
Because Lobelia is such a strong relaxant I never give it, especially to small children, without a baseline pulse rate being established. This enables me to ascertain how much the pulse is slowing, if at all. This does not have to be an exact count, only a feel for what is going on. In sick children the pulse is usually racing and thready and the slowing brought on by the Lobelia is actually a beneficial effect.
Lobelia is usually administered as part of a formula, rather than by itself. When used as a small percentage of a formula, it is possible to get all of the beneficial effects of Lobelia and never have to give a thought to possible overdose.
If I am dealing with a child whose pulse is not racing or with a particularly debilitated adult, I will administer a stimulant such as Cayenne, Ginger, or Peppermint prior to, or along with, the Lobelia. This is not difficult since Peppermint tea is probably indicated anyway and it takes only a swallow or two of tea to offset the sedative effects of the Lobelia. Formulas containing Lobelia already have a mild stimulant added into the recipe in most cases.
In childbirth, Lobelia is often administered with Cayenne as a means of relaxing the pelvic muscles. I have found that this gently speeds labor along. The increased circulation produced by the Lobelia and Cayenne helps in producing a very pink, well-oxygenated child and in keeping the mother from tearing.
BBL—the recipe is given in the tinctures chapter—has so many uses that, try as I might, I will probably not get them all listed. In this formula, Lobelia is combined with Blue Vervain, Blue Cohosh, Black Cohosh, and Skullcap to produce an antispasmodic formula, nervine, and pain reliever. Antispasmodic means that BBL will provide relief from anything that manifests with spasms or pain with a pulsing quality. Examples might be coughing, muscle or abdominal cramping, or any kind of pain that pulses—such as toothache, earache, certain types of stomachache, pleurisy, and boils.
BBL is much more than a pain reliever and antispasmodic. It is also a nervine formula, which means that it also helps to rebuild damaged nerves wherever they may be in the body. BBL has a special affinity for the spine, the motor nerves at the base of the skull, and the brain.
As a pain reliever, BBL should be applied externally to the skin around broken bones, smashed fingers, or strained shoulders. A cloth soaked in BBL and applied as a poultice can relieve even extreme pain. A few drops, in water, should also be taken frequently by mouth.
I smashed the index finger on my right hand thoroughly one day and the pain was excruciating. I put Arnica oil on it—for the swelling. I poured some BBL tincture into a small paper cup and put my finger in it. The pain was manageable that way and within a few hours most of the discoloration, swelling, and pain were gone.
A dropperful of BBL, taken at bedtime or added to the tub for a relaxing bath is one of my favorite ways to relax into a good night’s sleep. There is nothing narcotic, however, in the effects of BBL. There will be no stuporous type feeling, just relaxation and rest.
BBL can be taken internally and applied topically as a liniment for muscle cramps. Topical application does not require the giving of a stimulant. In fact, when using BBL for its relaxant properties, stimulant herbs such as Cayenne, Ginger, or Peppermint should not be used.
A few drops of BBL, EO oil, is very good in the ear for earache. The BBL acts as a pain reliever while carrying the medicinal properties of the oil more deeply and more rapidly into the affected and painful areas. The addition of BBL increases the antibacterial action of the Garlic and herbs in the EO oil.
Place two drops of EO oil in the ear, followed by 2 or 3 drops of BBL. I always warm both the BBL and the oil, if I possibly can. It is not fun to have something cold dropped into your ear, especially when the ear is hurting already. Put a small piece of a cotton ball in on top of the remedies.
A couple of dropperfuls of BBL in a tub of warm water relieves cramps, including really nasty menstrual ones. Taking it by mouth at the same time is also helpful. Used as a liniment on the abdomen, or on any muscle that is cramping, it brings almost instant relief.
A few drops of BBL should always be considered for convulsions in children. When working with children I usually use the BBL that is made with a glycerin base rather than alcohol. The alcohol formula is best for use in the tub, although you can use the glycerite. The glycerite leaves just a little bit of a sticky feeling on the skin after the bath. For convulsions—and the prevention of convulsions during a fever—I use a few drops of glycerin BBL by mouth and a bath in lukewarm water at the same time.
BBL is also excellent for the treatment of asthma—both as a way of dealing with an attack and as part of a long-term, overall program. Lobelia, added to any respiratory formula, will facilitate the clearing of the passages.
I have used Elderflower to which a bit of Lobelia has been added to reduce a fever. It is very effective.
*** Please note the number of times Lobelia, in a small amount, has been added to the tincture recipes found later in this book. Lobelia plays a major part in the effectiveness of the versatile and amazing BBL tincture formula. Please pay particular attention to this recipe and its description.
Dosage: Lobelia should be given in small doses for healing purposes, and in larger doses when its emetic or cleansing properties are required. A stimulant, such as Cayenne, Peppermint, or Ginger should be considered unless extreme relaxation is required.
Caution: Lobelia, taken in large quantity for too long, can cause nausea and coldness as the body attempts to give warning that it has had enough. Occasionally, these symptoms are mistaken for part of the illness and even more Lobelia (or BBL, which contains Lobelia) is given. It is possible for an overdose of Lobelia to slow the heart rate down. If this occurs, administering a mild stimulant, such as Peppermint —in a tea or a tincture or as an essential oil—or Cayenne tincture will remedy the situation. In sick children, and sometimes in adults, the pulse is often accelerated, making the slowing of the pulse created by the Lobelia a beneficial effect.
I usually prefer to use Peppermint. It tastes better and is beneficial for fever as well as for any upset in the digestive system. The need for a stimulant is very rare. Please do not interpret the above as any kind of reason not to use this amazing healing herb.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021, 2022
PART USED: Aerial portion
PROPERTIES: Astringent, Antilithic, Emmenagogue, Vulnerary, Hemostatic (stops bleeding), Tonic (glandular, skeletal, urinary)
SYSTEMS AFFECTED: Respiratory, Circulatory, Integumentary, Structural, Liver, Glandular, Urinary
POSSIBLE USES: kidney ailments and stones, healing of sprains and fractures, internal bleeding, brittle nails, skin rashes, nosebleeds
Horsetail is one of the best diuretic and kidney support herbs available. Besides strengthening and toning the urinary tract, Horsetail is listed as one of those herbs that helps to prevent, or even dissolve, kidney stones. Being both astringent and hemostatic, Horsetail is particularly indicated when there is bleeding within the urinary system. Horsetail is also known to staunch the bleeding of external wounds, stop nosebleeds, and reduce the coughing up of blood when that is necessary. While handling the bleeding, Horsetail speeds the repair of damaged connective tissue, improving its strength and elasticity.
Horsetail is most noted for its silica (silicon) content, which is very high and remarkably soluble. Recent studies in Europe have found that broken bones do not heal well, even in the presence of high levels of calcium, if there is insufficient amounts of silicon available in the blood. This interaction between calcium and silicon makes this herb valuable to strengthen hair and nails, and to prevent the formation of gallstones and kidney stones. There are many great diuretic herbs, but none with the other benefits of Horsetail. Horsetail strengthens hair, nails, bones, and teeth.
Horsetail also has an effect on the liver and gallbladder. Horsetail is high in vitamin E and selenium, and is certainly much cheaper than taking a supplement of vitamin E. Other rather unusual nutrients found in Horsetail include both iron and iodine, as well as cobalt, copper, and manganese.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
EXTRACTION METHOD: cold pressed, refined
CONSISTENCY: medium weight, light almost clear color
APPLICATION: Almond Oil is such a delightful carrier oil that is can be used all by itself, 100%.
GENERAL INFORMATION: Sweet Almond Oil is easily the most popular carrier oil for many reasons. Almond Oil is inexpensive and absorbs into the skin quite quickly. Almond Oil is rich in vitamins A, B, and E, all of which are beneficial nutrients for healthy skin. Almond Oil is light enough to be used as a make-up remover. It opens the pores, ensuring that all makeup is easily removed. Almond Oil, heated, can be used in place of more expensive, commercially available hot oil treatments for dry hair and scalp. This is one of my favorite uses for Almond (and Coconut) Oil.
Almond Oil contains, along with the vitamins mentioned above, heart healthy fats, potassium and folic acid. Besides using Almond Oil as a carrier oil when applying essential oils, perhaps replacing some of your cooking oil with Almond Oil might be a good idea. I use mostly Solid Coconut Oil for cooking because I like the slight coconut flavor it provides. I use Almond Oil from time to time where the flavor of coconut might not be appropriate or desired.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
INGREDIENTS: Citronella, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemongrass, Manuka, Tea Tree
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, skin, emotional stability
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: Diffuse to purify the air, kill germs, and remove odors.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LePurify purifies the air, neutralizes mildew, removes the smell of cigarette smoke and many other noxious odors when diffused in a room.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Some citrus oils and Lavender, all of which are in this essential oil blend, are useful for anorexia and eating disorders because they moderate feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and self-loathing. For this purpose, LePurify should be diffused every night and as much as possible during the day. Other essential oils, chosen according to the emotional picture of the person, should be worn as perfume or cologne every day.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LePurify kills odors, bacteria, molds, and fungus. This is an excellent oil for cleaning any portion of your home. This blend can be sprayed onto window sills and into corners during the winter months to prevent the growth of molds. It is effective when applied to spider bites and insect stings and can be used for repelling bugs, insects, and mice. LePurify sometimes brings relief from toothaches and dental abscesses; at the very least, it may relieve the problem somewhat until a dentist can be reached.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
INGREDIENTS: Basil, Birch, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Ravensara
AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, immune system, skin, muscles
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: LeBreezey should be diluted and rubbed on the chest or back. It can also be diffused or placed on your pillow at night.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively and has been successful in alleviating snoring.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: While generally thought of as an oil for physical illness, the aroma of LeBreezey lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence and self-worth.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeBreezey, besides being very effective in times of illness, is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. The inclusion of Ravensara oil creates viral fighting and tissue rebuilding properties, especially for the lung and bronchial tissues. This blend should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu. LeBreezey makes an excellent muscle relaxant and pain reliever when you do not have LeWarmDown or LeDeeper handy and you have strained a muscle.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeBreezey is often used alternately with LeAspire.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021