LEMON (Citrus limonum)
THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES: antibiotic, sedative, carminative, diuretic, hemostatic, astringent, digestive, immunostimulant, antidepressant, stimulant, antiseptic, febrifuge, calmative, antispasmodic, anti-sclerotic, depurative, vermifuge, cicatrisive
AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, lymphatic system, cardiovascular system, nervous system, digestive system, skin, muscles, solar plexus chakra, bladder meridian, wood element
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
PART UTILIZED: peel of fruit
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Lemon essential oil fills the air with a light, refreshing scent of lemons while it nourishes the nervous systems of everyone close by.
APPLICATION: Lemon oil should be diluted and applied to any area of the body. Since it helps dissolve cellulite, applying lemon to areas where cellulite has accumulated would be a good idea. Be sure to dilute to avoid irritation.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Lemon brings clarity of thought, aids in logical thinking, and helps us connect cause and effect in our lives. Lemon is a good oil for study sessions, improving attention span, and problem solving. Lemon can help us analyze our resentments, decide if they are based on reality or not, and then help us let go of them - real or not! Lemon makes it easier to handle the stresses of life with a sense of humor.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Lemon essential oil supports the respiratory system and is useful for asthma, bronchitis, sore throat, sinusitis, and most other respiratory complaints. Lemon oil tightens smooth muscles and strengthens connective tissue throughout the body. Lemon oil can be used for a liver or lymphatic cleanse. After cleansing is complete, lemon oil can stimulate the pancreas and the entire endocrine system. Lemon is very helpful in passing gallstones and is said to induce labor when the baby is over due. Lemon oil can be used to purify water and leaves no unpleasant taste behind.
CAUTIONS: Lemon essential oil is said by some to be photo-toxic.