Lemon Balm Seeds
Lemon Balm Seeds
Lemon Balm Seeds
Strictly Medicinal Seeds

Lemon Balm Seeds

Regular price $5.99

LEMON BALM - Melissa offincinalis

Perennial / Shade or Sun

Organically Certified Seeds / Open-Pollinated / Untreated / GMO Free

APPEARANCE: Evergreen perennial flowering yellow to 2 feet tall.

GROWING INFORMATION: Zones 4 to 8. Plant thrives in regular garden soil in the shade or sun. In the spring, lightly scarify seed by rubbing on fine grit sandpaper and plant in pots or directly in the garden. Sow seed on surface, barely cover with soil, then press in firmly and keep evenly moist and it the light until germ, which takes 10 to 14 days. Thin or transplant to 2 feet apart.

100 Organically Certified Seeds / package