The new metal containers are now 1.75 fluid ounces. They're still referred to as the 2 oz. size.
A powerful soothing restorative blend for skin, bone, tissue and ligaments.
May be helpful for:
- skin conditions
- acne
- wound care
- facial moisturizer
- insect bites
- scarring
- chafing
- minor cuts
- eczema
- diaper rash
- healing bone, tissue and ligament due to internal injuries
Ingredients: Olive Oil, Beeswax, Goldenseal, Comfrey Leaf, Lanolin, Frankincense oil, Vitamin E
Herbal Classic is a powerful blend of some of the most fundamental soothing and restorative herbs that are known. Traditionally, comfrey, goldenseal, and frankincense have been used in wound care.
Comfrey has been called the “knitter, or healer plant,” and it is said that “comfrey is one of the greatest herbs God has ever given to man (The Little Herb Encyclopedia, pg. 63-64).” We know of it being used in this role since 400 BC.
Along with it being a powerful “healer,” this blend also has strong spiritual uses due to the inclusion of Frankincense, with religious cleansing rituals being one example of this. As the Comfrey, Goldenseal, and Frankincense, work on the physical level, the spiritual properties of Frankincense are also working, cleansing and healing from the inside out.
As mentioned before, Herbal Classic can also be used for “spiritual healing.” For spiritual healing, use on any part of the body that you desire. It’s suggested to first apply on the back of the neck, wrists, or around your belly button, then elsewhere as needed for spiritual or physical relief.
Suggested Use: Apply liberally to affected areas as needed. Recommended 1 to 3 times daily. Fore best results, use immediately after showering. Do not use on burns until the final stage of healing. External use only.
Disclaimer: The information provided here is for educational purposes only, and not intended to treat, prescribe, cure, or diagnose any disease or condition. This information is not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician or other health care provider Purity Natural Elements is not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations, or procedures discussed. All matters pertaining to your physical health should be supervised by a health care professional. Keep all products out of reach of children.