Entertainer Terms of Agreement

Farmer’s Market Entertainment Terms of Agreement

 2017 Market Season

The 2017 season runs every Saturday at 9am-1pm from April 29th until October 28th.

2017 Musicians' Season Schedule at the Market:

Music will usually run at the market from June 3rd to September 30th. There are about 18 Saturdays that need to be booked. We book a 2-hour set from 10:30am to 12:30 pm.

  • Musicians are asked to be in assigned area and performing by 10:30am or earlier.
  • The 2-hour set includes a 15-20 minute break.
  • You must remain at market until 12:30pm. If you choose, you may perform until the end of the market day which ends at 1:00pm. However, any added time is completely voluntary.
  • A 2-hour set can be split between 2 groups with special arrangements from Entertainment Chairperson.
  • Please be packed up and out of the market area before 2:00pm. That time is when Memorial Drive will be re-opened.
  • Click to see the entertainment calendar online

Provided by Market

  • The Market may provide a 10×10 awning and simple/limited sound equipment for sound reinforcement if needed. Make sure this is arranged – don’t just assume that there will be a PA. You can, possible play without a PA setup.
  • There is power provided. You are welcome to set up your own sound equipment.
  • Band must provide own tables, chairs, tip containers, signage, etc.
  • Our music schedule may be advertised on our Facebook page – more to come.
  • You may park in the lot directly behind the performance area.

 Musical Requirements

  • The Farmer’s Market is looking for live, handcrafted, local, and acoustic music. There can be some exceptions such as: electric bass, electronic piano, pedal steel guitars, small harmonica amps, etc. Live percussion is generally welcome and small drum kits are fine.
  • Drum machines and prerecorded (or sequenced) backing tracks of any kind are discouraged, but not necessarily excluded. Pedal setups for guitar players are also discouraged.
  • Bands that tend to be most booked are in the folk, Americana, blues, country, old-time, bluegrass, and soft rock genres (jazz will be considered too!).
  • As part of this application, you will be asked to submit a sampling of your live sound so we can assess your fit in our venue (you don’t have to be perfect – you just need to fit). This does not have to be a professional recording. Make it real!
  • If you are unsure as to whether you are a fit for the market or not, go ahead and submit an application.
  • Submitting the application does not guarantee that you will be scheduled.

 Compensation and Other

  • Generally, this performance is more for exposure and less about pay. The Idaho Falls Market pays a small amount which varies depending on skill level etc. If you would like to donate your talent, that is also welcome. You will be offered an amount before you are scheduled.
  • April/May & October are considered “off-season” for musicians. If you are interested in performing (with no compensation) at any of these times, we may be able to schedule you.
  • Tips are allowed and you may pass the hat, or have an open instrument case (whatever) with a sign asking for tips (don’t make the sign huge – maybe 12×12 inches or so). Please DO NOT be obnoxious in tip gathering, or you may be asked to modify your methods.
  • Musicians are welcome to sell recordings and other merchandise associated with their group (this is sometimes the best money compensation a musician gets these days). However, this should not interfere too much with performing.
  • Musicians are prohibited from selling or displaying recordings or merchandise from any other performer.
  • One of the biggest compensations is the satisfactions and appreciation that your audiences gives you.
  • Also, being a musician in a farmers' market can be a better experience if you focus on your role of supporting and encouraging customers to enjoy themselves and want to linger longer. Don't be surprised that if you do your job well, your vendor neighbors may (not required of them) offer you benefits as a thank you (ie. food, etc.). It has been found that food vendors in particular do better sales when there is good entertainment close by.
  • This is an outdoor venue and problematic weather (such as rain, strong winds, snow, tornadoes, flooding, monsoons, typhoons, earthquakes, hurricanes, major lingering dust devils, nuclear fallout and other various “acts of God”) may cause you or us to cancel the performance. If you show up in good faith, you may still get paid under reasonable circumstances - to be judged by Market Manager or other Market Official.
  • You use your equipment at your own risk. The Farmer’s Market will not be held liable for your equipment or instrument losses or damages.
  • If you have been scheduled to entertain but then canceled, the market is not obligated to compensate you for what you have been offered as pay; this also may apply to obvious weather issues.
  • Final judgments and decisions about any unusual or unlisted circumstances will be decided by the Market Manager or other Market Official (within reason and the law). Any items that are not lawful or reasonable, do not render other items in this agreement invalid.
  • This agreement also applies to non-musical acts that may be booked.
  • Scheduled dates are not necessarily on a first-come-first-serve basis.

 Standards for Conduct

  • The Idaho Falls Farmers' Market is a family-friendly event, therefore your content and language must reflect that.
  • Drinking of alcoholic beverages and smoking while performing is not allowed.
  • Performers are responsible for moderating the volume of their performance to a level appropriate to the surroundings. The level of volume will be kept at sound reinforcement levels and to a level that customers can carry on a conversation with other booths. Musicians are responsible for respecting reasonable requests for nearby vendors regarding performance volume and crowd control.
  • Musicians are responsible for ensuring that their audience does not block customer traffic, access to vendor stalls, or cause a safety hazard.
  • Bands are responsible for respecting spaces provided for performance by keeping them free from unnecessary clutter.
  • Performers shall immediately comply with the request (not song requests!) of Entertainment Chairperson (or other market officials) that have to do with maintaining the desired Market’s goal of what the entertainment is there for.
  • The entertainers may not be compensated or could have a loss of future performance dates if there are too many infractions of the Farmer’s Market Organizer’s wishes. You could be asked to pack up and go before the end of your scheduled time….but this has not generally been a problem!