Low-Carb Practitioners Closest to Idaho Falls
All Known Low-Carb Doctors and Practitioners
Below are the nearest known Low-Carb Practitioners to Idaho Falls:
Lindsay Venn, PA-C
Physician assistant
I have been using intermittent fasting and low-carb high fat diets for weight loss, diabetes control, pain control, and prevention of chronic disease. My patients are happy and successful. I do all I can to support their efforts and goals, including providing them with research, meal plans and recipes. We strive to come off medications as able when they achieve and manage their lifestyle goals.
Certified Physician Assistant
- Sports medicine
- Locations
Eastern Idaho Spine Sport and Rehab
Idaho Falls, ID, USA
Phone number: 208-535-4343
Remote consultations: No
Ryan Moore, MD
I have utilized low carb / keto / fasting in my patients since 2014 to reverse many different chronic diseases and continue to stay up on all the new science in nutrition. Dietdoctor.com has been a great resource to many of my patients.Go to clinician's personal page
- Family medicine
- Obesity medicine/Bariatrics
Primary Health Medical Group
11197 W. Fairview Ave, Boise, Idaho, USA, 83713
Remote consultations: Yes
Rohn Rigby, MD
I recommend low-carb/keto diet to help patient's control their insulin resistance, which is a key factor causing weight gain and also exacerbating multiple chronic medical problems. I have used low-carb/keto to help control my own personal problems with insulin resistance.
Doctor of Medicine
- Family medicine
- Obesity Medicine
Ogden Clinic Metabolic Department
3225 W Gordon Ave, Layton, UT 84041, USA
Phone number: 801-397-6160
Website: https://utahmedicalweightloss.com/
More information
Remote consultations: No
Nicholas Trujillo, DO
I am a Family & Obesity Medicine specialist with background in Psychology. I have a passion for guiding people through a low-carb healthy fat lifestyle because it routinely works better than anything else. I also have a special interest in the critical role that our mental health plays in our ability to achieve long term success. I have successfully helped thousands of individuals along their journeys using varying degrees of low carbohydrate approaches including nutritional ketosis and intermittent fasting. Check out our website if you are interested in learning about our online services.
Go to clinician's personal page
- Family medicine
- Obesity medicine/Bariatrics
Empower Health Change
138 E 12300 S Ste C #431, Draper, Utah, USA, 84020
Remote consultations: Yes