Chamomile, German Seeds
Chamomile, German Seeds
Strictly Medicinal Seeds

Chamomile, German Seeds

Regular price $4.00

CHAMOMILE, GERMAN - Matricaria recutita

Annual / Full Sun to Part Shade

Organically Certified Seeds / Open-Pollinated / Untreated / GMO Free

Dried Chamomile flowers make a gently sedative and decidedly delicious tea that is calming to the stomach and improves digestion. 

APPEARANCE: Aromatic flowers yellow and white to 3 feet tall.

GROWING INFORMATION:  Self-seeding annual plant native to Eurasia. Flowers occur in 90 days. Plant thrives in regular garden soil or alkaline soils in the sun to part shade. Mix small seed with sand to provide even distribution. In the fall or early spring, strew on disturbed soil or a weed-free seedbed, work in shallowly, and tamp securely. Germination is in about a week. Thin to 3 to 6 inches apart. 

USE: This is the delightfully aromatic Chamomile of tea fame.

500 Organically Certified Seeds per package

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