Le Balance Essential Oil
INGREDIENTS: Chamomile German, Chaste Tree, Clary Sage, Cypress, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrtle, Peppermint, Rose Geranium, Sage, Yarrow, Ylang Ylang
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, endocrine system, emotions, hormones
RESONANCE: spiritual, emotional, physical
APPLICATION: Should be applied around the ankles on both men and women. It can also be diffused and is soothing when a drop or two is placed in the tub. If using in the shower, plug the drain and allow a couple of inches of water to accumulate in the bottom of the tub. Add your oils and continue.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeBalance is beneficial in the control of mood swings brought about by hormone and endocrine system imbalances in both men and women. (Yes, men have hormones that can and do get out of balance, too!)
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeBalance is a great oil for supporting the endocrine system and balancing the hormones in both men and women. For men, LeBalance helps balance male energy, regulate prostate function, and reduce congestion and enlargement of the prostate which often reestablishes proper urinary function. For women, LeBalance has been used successfully many times to reduce or eliminate hot flashes and headaches for those who are approaching or going through menopause.
LeBalance has antispasmodic properties. It is helpful as a digestive aid and as a diuretic, especially when the problems in these areas are linked to hormone imbalances.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeBalance often brings quick relief from the symptoms of menopause and should be used by women age 45 and older. LeWoman Wise is a better choice for younger women of menstruating age to balance hormones and relieve the symptoms of PMS. For best results, LeWoman Wise and LeBalance should be used in conjunction with LeEndoRelief, which has a strengthening effect on the entire endocrine system.
CAUTIONS: LeBalance has hormonal properties and should definitely not be used during pregnancy!!
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
Le Autumn Essential Oil
Enjoy the wonderful smells of coffee, cassia, and sweet orange. While this blend contains no vanilla, it definitely has vanilla caramel-like notes. LeAutumn brings out our inner confidence and makes us feel loved and protected while reminding us of all we have been blessed with. Diffusing LeAutumn can help lift us out of a depressed state. Stimulating to the lymphatic and immune system. Beneficial for insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, lymph, immune, hair, skin, respiratory, cardiovascular
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: LeAutumn was created to be diffused. It also makes a wonderful perfume (dilute well before applying to the skin), and can even be enjoyed in the bath (one or two drops only as this oil is very strong).
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: A wonderful oil to diffuse when meditating or relaxing. LeAutumn brings out our inner confidence, and makes us feel loved and protected while reminding us of all we have been blessed with. Diffusing LeAutumn can help lift us out of a depressed state.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Whether we are feeling depressed or just have slow, low emotions, LeAutumn lifts us up to a warm, safe space where we are able to bring our expectations to a realistic level. LeAutumn should be used for depression and anxiety, and is particularly effective when the depression is triggered by low self esteem and a feeling that we cannot measure up. This is an amazing oil after an argument, trauma, or painful loss.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeAutumn is a strong antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial oil. This blend is stimulating to the lymphatic system and the immune system. It increases T-lymphocyte activity and immuno-globulin production by the B-cells, making it an excellent oil to strengthen the immune system and raise the body’s resistance to disease. LeAutumn is also stimulating to the circulatory system, strenthening the cardiovascular system, increasing oxygen levels in the body, and aiding respiration.
LeAutumn is anti-inflammatory making it beneficial for arthritis, stiff joints, and sore muscles. While stimulating to the body, the emotional aspects of this oil make it beneficial for insomnia, as well as depression and anxiety.
CAUTIONS: Care should be taken to dilute well especially with children, pregnant women, and those with sensitive skin.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
Le MyGraine Essential Oil
LeMyGraine is used for migraine and stress related headaches with or without accompanying nausea. This blend is also useful following neck injuries and to open the blood supplies to and from the head. LeMyGraine does its best work with headaches related to stress and circulation problems. Mild hormone oils make it effective for some women for the headache which comes at the beginning or end of their period.
INGREDIENTS: copaiba balsam, chamomile German, grapefruit, lavender, marjoram, peppermint, violet leaf, zanthoxylum
AFFINITY FOR: nerves, muscles, bones
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: LeMyGraine can be put on the temples, forehead, and back of the neck. Often the aroma will be all that is needed to back off a migraine. For really tough headaches, put 3 drops in your bath and 8-10 drops on a cold washcloth placed at the back of the neck at the same time. Try to relax as much as possible while the essential oil takes effect.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Usually very effective for headaches when inhaled or diffused.
EMOTIONAL /PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeMyGraine is used for migraine and stress related headaches with or without accompanying nausea. This blend is also useful following neck injuries and to open the blood supplies to and from the head. LeMyGraine does its best work with headaches related to stress and circulation problems.
Mild hormone oils make it effective for some women for the headache which comes at the beginning or end of their period. LeMyGraine may be useful for some types of depression. Use with LeWoman Wise or LeBalance if hormone imbalances are suspected.
Le Focus Essential Oil
Le Focus is great for times of study or when you need to be extra alert. Useful for long periods on the computer when you are having difficulty concentrating. Le Focus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. These patterns of behavior get in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. It can also keep us from accomplishing our goals. Le Focus helps us become aware of and change these patterns.
INGREDIENTS: bay, cinnamon bark, cinnamon berry, ginger, nutmeg, patchouli, rosewood, sage, sandalwood
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, emotional balance, governing vessel meridian
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: This blend can be applied to the areas on the feet that relate to the neck, head, and brain. These are found on the big toe, both top and bottom. LeFocus can also be applied to the wrists and temples.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: Inhale Le Focus at times when studying and need to be extra alert. Useful in the afternoons at the computer if your mind is slow or are having difficulty concentrating. This blend can be diffused, but it is best to do so for short periods of time only; cinnamon, cinnamon berry, and ginger are very strong oils for diffusing. They may cause headache or a burning sensation in the nostrils.
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: Le Focus is useful in overcoming negative thought patterns and self-defeating behaviors. Sometimes we choose to see ourselves as victims where life and everyone we know is "out to get us". This pattern of behavior gets in the way of our ability to take responsibility for ourselves. It can also keep us from accomplishing our goals. When LeFocus has helped us become aware of our self-defeating patterns, we can choose to change them.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: This blend increases mental alertness, clears that "foggy" feeling, and helps to alleviate mental confusion. It is a great aid to students and others when they face the need to commit something to memory quickly and be able to recall it with ease later.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeFocus has much the same uses as LeCrystal Clear and LeIQ, but the aromas of these three blends are very dissimilar. These blends are classic examples of the wide range of plants that can accomplish similar healing tasks in the human body. Each person is unique with their own way of reacting to things. One of these three blends may work better for you and another one may work better for someone else. You may find all of them helpful, giving you the opportunity to choose one according to your preferred aroma or according to the price.
CAUTIONS: This blend contains nutmeg, cinnamon, and sage. It should be used with care if you are susceptible to seizures or if you are pregnant. Repeated use could result in skin irritation, even diluted.
Le Purify Blend Essential Oil
INGREDIENTS: Citronella, Grapefruit, Lavender, Lemongrass, Manuka, Tea Tree
AFFINITY FOR: digestive system, skin, emotional stability
RESONANCE: physical, emotional
APPLICATION: Diffuse to purify the air, kill germs, and remove odors.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LePurify purifies the air, neutralizes mildew, removes the smell of cigarette smoke and many other noxious odors when diffused in a room.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Some citrus oils and Lavender, all of which are in this essential oil blend, are useful for anorexia and eating disorders because they moderate feelings of insecurity, self-doubt, and self-loathing. For this purpose, LePurify should be diffused every night and as much as possible during the day. Other essential oils, chosen according to the emotional picture of the person, should be worn as perfume or cologne every day.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LePurify kills odors, bacteria, molds, and fungus. This is an excellent oil for cleaning any portion of your home. This blend can be sprayed onto window sills and into corners during the winter months to prevent the growth of molds. It is effective when applied to spider bites and insect stings and can be used for repelling bugs, insects, and mice. LePurify sometimes brings relief from toothaches and dental abscesses; at the very least, it may relieve the problem somewhat until a dentist can be reached.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
Le Breezey Essential Oil
INGREDIENTS: Basil, Birch, Eucalyptus, Lemon, Peppermint, Ravensara
AFFINITY FOR: respiratory system, immune system, skin, muscles
RESONANCE: physical
APPLICATION: LeBreezey should be diluted and rubbed on the chest or back. It can also be diffused or placed on your pillow at night.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: LeBreezey opens bronchial and sinus passages very effectively and has been successful in alleviating snoring.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: While generally thought of as an oil for physical illness, the aroma of LeBreezey lifts the spirits and brings a sense of confidence and self-worth.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeBreezey, besides being very effective in times of illness, is an excellent respiratory tonic and immune stimulant. The inclusion of Ravensara oil creates viral fighting and tissue rebuilding properties, especially for the lung and bronchial tissues. This blend should also be tried for colds, asthma, allergies, sinus congestion, and flu. LeBreezey makes an excellent muscle relaxant and pain reliever when you do not have LeWarmDown or LeDeeper handy and you have strained a muscle.
GENERAL INFORMATION: LeBreezey is often used alternately with LeAspire.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
Le Bountiful Essential Oil
INGREDIENTS: Cassia, Cinnamon Bark, Clove, Frankincense, Myrrh, Patchouli, Orange Bitter, Orange Sweet, Thyme
AFFINITY FOR: immune system, respiratory system, body’s external magnetic field, stomach meridian, pericardium meridian
RESONANCE: physical, mental—the frequency of this blend is similar to that of a healthy brain
APPLICATION: LeBountiful can be diluted and worn on the wrists, behind the ears, or as a perfume or cologne. It is sometimes helpful to place a drop or two on the checkbook, on the car dashboard, on a phone, or a wallet. The results are often quite profound.
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: The intent of this blend is to create feelings of security, generosity, and thankfulness. These feelings then bring the “blessings of heaven” down on our heads.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: LeBountiful is specifically designed to affect the energy fields around us and to help us achieve a frequency that attracts goodness into our lives.
LeBountiful is an aid to our thinking clearly about money issues and lessens the stress in these areas. One of the most outstanding effects of this blend is the feeling of abundance that it creates in our minds and spirits. It simply moderates, or evaporates altogether, any feeling that there is never going to be enough and that there is certainly not enough for everybody to have what they think they need. The absence of these fearful feelings helps us eliminate even the slightest tendencies to greed and selfishness.
Benevolence is the best word I can find to describe the feeling this blend creates. We find ourselves able to let go of our fear of trusting others, being dependent on them, or needing to ask for help. LeBountiful has a profound effect on the things we worry about and how we choose to respond to these situations.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeBountiful is also beneficial to the brain in other ways. It seems to clear the mind and rejuvenate sluggish thought processes. This blend can be stimulating and energizing if we are feeling tired and worn down. LeBountiful is also an immune support and stimulant. LeBountiful can be used as a decongestant for the lungs during bronchitis or pneumonia. Use of LeBountiful at these times provides a needed boost in energy and mood.
GENERAL INFORMATION: This is an oil of “attraction.” As we develop an attitude of abundance we find that we receive what we need to make us balanced, whether it is physical, emotional, or spiritual. In other words, the more you give, the more you receive.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021
Le Sego Lily Blend Essential Oil
A light, airy beautiful and uplifting aroma that can calm and inpiring us to show love and appreciation to others.
- Aids in a feeling of calmness during a crisis
- Supports good skin care and health
- Calms itching conditions
EMOTIONAL / SPIRITUAL / MENTAL ASPECTS: The aromatic influence of LeSego Lily is, in part, to bring a feeling of calmness during a crisis or when feeling anxious and out of sorts. LeSego Lily also promotes a feeling of being loved and appreciated. Its aroma often inspires us to show love and appreciation to others.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: Physically, LeSego Lily is a blend for skin care and health. It promotes skin elasticity and may seem to slow the process of aging as it nourishes the skin and smooths out wrinkles. LeSego Lily is used to bring relief from the itching of hives and allergic rashes. When used for this purpose, a more emollient carrier oil containing jojoba, apricot, or rosehip oil would be beneficial.
INGREDIENTS: Copaiba Balsam, Grapefruit, Rosewood, Vanilla CO2
AROMA: Citrus, Floral
RESONANCE: Physical, Emotional
AFFINITY FOR: skin, heart chakra, emotional health
Topical Use: Diffuse or wear as a perfume. Diluted, LeSego Lily makes an excellent massage oil and is excellent in the bath.
Diffused: LeSego Lily is light and airy with a beautiful, uplifting, and calming aroma.
Good carrier oil when dealing with rashes: Jojoba, Apricot or Rosehip