Cilantro / Coriander  Seeds
Cilantro / Coriander  Seeds
Strictly Medicinal Seeds

Cilantro / Coriander Seeds

Regular price $4.00

CILANTRO / CORIANDER  - Coriandrum sativum

Annual / Full-Sun to Part Shade

Organically Certified Seeds / Open-Pollinated / Untreated / GMO Free

The herb and seeds are stimulant, aromatic, and carminative.

APPEARANCE: Aromatic, flowering white to 3 feet tall.

GROWING INFORMATION:  Annual, requiring 30 days to harvest of fresh leaf, 90 days to seed. Plant thrives in regular garden soil, preferring full sun to part shade and frequent watering. Direct seed in early spring be planting in a shallow furrow. Tamp, keep evenly moist, with germ in 13 days. Very hot conditions ofr greenhouse planting sometimes retards germ. Tin to 6 inches apart. Cut and come again.

USE: The herb and seeds are stimulant, aromatic, and carminative.

100 Organically Certified Seeds / package


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