Enjoy the wonderful smells of coffee, cassia, and sweet orange. While this blend contains no vanilla, it definitely has vanilla caramel-like notes. LeAutumn brings out our inner confidence and makes us feel loved and protected while reminding us of all we have been blessed with. Diffusing LeAutumn can help lift us out of a depressed state. Stimulating to the lymphatic and immune system. Beneficial for insomnia, depression, and anxiety.
AFFINITY FOR: nervous system, lymph, immune, hair, skin, respiratory, cardiovascular
RESONANCE: physical, emotional, spiritual
APPLICATION: LeAutumn was created to be diffused. It also makes a wonderful perfume (dilute well before applying to the skin), and can even be enjoyed in the bath (one or two drops only as this oil is very strong).
AROMATIC CONSIDERATIONS: A wonderful oil to diffuse when meditating or relaxing. LeAutumn brings out our inner confidence, and makes us feel loved and protected while reminding us of all we have been blessed with. Diffusing LeAutumn can help lift us out of a depressed state.
EMOTIONAL - SPIRITUAL - MENTAL ASPECTS: Whether we are feeling depressed or just have slow, low emotions, LeAutumn lifts us up to a warm, safe space where we are able to bring our expectations to a realistic level. LeAutumn should be used for depression and anxiety, and is particularly effective when the depression is triggered by low self esteem and a feeling that we cannot measure up. This is an amazing oil after an argument, trauma, or painful loss.
PHYSICAL ASPECTS: LeAutumn is a strong antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibacterial oil. This blend is stimulating to the lymphatic system and the immune system. It increases T-lymphocyte activity and immuno-globulin production by the B-cells, making it an excellent oil to strengthen the immune system and raise the body’s resistance to disease. LeAutumn is also stimulating to the circulatory system, strenthening the cardiovascular system, increasing oxygen levels in the body, and aiding respiration.
LeAutumn is anti-inflammatory making it beneficial for arthritis, stiff joints, and sore muscles. While stimulating to the body, the emotional aspects of this oil make it beneficial for insomnia, as well as depression and anxiety.
CAUTIONS: Care should be taken to dilute well especially with children, pregnant women, and those with sensitive skin.
©Copyright Butterfly Expressions 2020, 2021